Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Many "syabas" and "tahniah" to our Malaysian Medical Association for kick starting a year long program where the cost for Cervical Cancer vaccination is partially subsidized by them. For this particular
campaign, I salute to the policy maker, to whom who had to pull strings to make this happen.
For this
Ribuan Tahniah dan ucapan Syabas.
Current market price for a dose of Cervarix ranges from RM300+ to RM180++. With this campaign specifically targeted at girls of age 14-19 years old will benefit as the cost of vaccination would be subsidized by MMA(why not MOH??)
The total cost for vaccination is RM466 under such program.
So why wait, don't procrastinate any longer, register with the nearest clinic near you that took part in such program to enjoy the price cut. I hope I don't sound much like a salesperson, but merely reaching out to the public to take advantage of this.
1st Dose
Remember to bring the ID of the recepient
and RM 233
2nd dose
- RM 233
3rd dose


Frida said...

Hi Doc, I would like to ask, I am 22 years old, can I still benefit from this program? Or is it only for 14-19 years old ?

Joseph Wan said...

Hi Frida,
Sorry for the overdue response. Unfortunately, the program is applicable for those 14-19 years old only.
You can check the net or ask around the whole nation, but I assure you that the price offered by our clinic is the cheapest, and it's the original stuff (to dispel claims from some other disgruntled doctors who told their patients that my vaccines are taken from Thailand and that they aren't genuine.) You can call up GSK hotline, and ask then on Klinik Wan Dan Keluarga.

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